Thursday, June 14, 2012

Introductions are in order

Ten years ago something terrible happened. A seventeen year old boy picked up a comic that he once loved, thumbed through it and decided that it just didn't do anything for him anymore. He shoved his boxed collection away for future browsing if the desire ever came over him.

Seven years ago that same kid, now twenty (I know, math can be hard) stumbled across an interesting book called Ultimate Spiderman. His eyes danced around the pages with excitement, one of his favorite childhood superheroes was reborn and it was truly fun to read. That too faded sadly for he had a career creeping up on him after college and the idea to get married.

The years slid by, comics entered and exited the now man's hands never truly drawing him in. That is, until he realized that there was nothing really in the way. Comics had potential and he even had friends that read them as well. Matter of fact, one of those friends decided to ask him to do a podcast with him and another guy due to his previous love of comics.

I am sure you can guess that the guy in that relatively poorly told story was me. The guy asking about the podcast? That guy is Darren who is growing into a truly good friend. The third guy, Jonny Capps, I am still pretty new to but I feel really comfortable around him and can see us grow as friends. Also, that guy REALLY knows his comics.

Darren's request to have me come in on this podcast as the guy who once read and has decided to read again is truly wonderful. In that past month I have started to read comics again, quite heavily I might add, and have loved every moment of it. I have always been a big Marvel kid and with the new release of Avengers vs The X-Men it seemed like the right time to dive back in. I was correct, it is amazing (for the most part).

The question is, what is this blog? Well it is a companion to the aforementioned podcast as well as my twitter account (@philthec). I intend to review the comics that I read weekly, discuss the plots, the art and anything else that catches my attention. I will restate my "Stick, Pick, Stuck and Sayonara" from the podcast or even the week. I will answer any questions that my readers have and ultimately just enjoy getting an outlet to discuss the list of books that I am currently reading.

Speaking of the list of comics....I suppose I should supply that. I will add and remove comics as I get tired of them or are drawn to them. If that happens the blog will inform the readers of those decisions. Also note that I did start reading a short while back and will be filling in holes as I learn information. I will not start my reviews back to the beginning of the month, that seems silly. I will start with the books I read this week.

Onto the list:
Avengers vs X-men (core series)
AvX Versus
The Avengers
The New Avengers
Avengers Academy
Secret Avengers
Uncanny X-Men
X-Men Legacy
Wolverine and the X-Men
Avenging Spider-Man
Marvel Zombies (currently reading the ones I missed. I am on TPB Marvel Zombies 4)

As you can see, there are quite a few comics to talk about. Please give me feedback, let me know about comics you think I should read or why you think my comic choice is dumb! I want to know these things, I want to read good stuff and get better at this job.

Lastly, enjoy my blog!

-Phil the Comic Guy

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