Friday, September 27, 2013

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #27

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciler: David Marquez
Inker: David Marquez
Colorist: Paul Mounts and Justin Ponsor
Letterer: Cory Petit
Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 25th, 2013

"Spider-Man No More: Part 4"

I know I say this frequently, but I am so happy that I gave Miles Morales a chance as Spider-Man. Bendis has created such an amazing character that is really starting to grow. His banter with Spider-Woman in this issue as well as his internal dialogue was incredible. He is still battling with his decision to put the webs back on and he feels that his fight with Taskmaster is just reaffirming it. Regardless, he seems to be sticking to it which is showing true growth in the character.

If you remember, we left Miles, Spider-Woman and Bombshell on a rooftop, paralyzed by Taskmaster. This issue picks up with the three of them figuring out how to get out of the predicament, figure out what Taskmaster's powers are and to figure out their next step. The best part of this was seeing them all struggle with Taskmaster being able to redirect their powers back at them. When Miles and Spider-Woman figure out to use their webbing instead, it gets incredibly fun. 

With the last minute addition of Cloak and Dagger to the fight, it is impossible to tell anyone to skip this issue. There is plenty of the classic banter that is needed in a good Spidey tale that is mixed with just the right amount of darkness that you will be pulled in. I am excited for the following issue and the last part of this arc that will have the massive Spider-Woman, Bombshell, Cloak, Dagger and Spider-Man team-up against Roxxon corp. Bendis really has something special here and it just seems to keep getting better.

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