Thursday, August 30, 2012

Web of Spider-Man #129.2

Writer: Stuart Moore
Penciler: Damion Scott
Inker: Rob Campanella
Colorist: Andres Mossa
Letterer: VC's Clayton Cowles and Joe Sabino
Publisher: Marvel Comics (Dan Buckley)
Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 29th, 2012

"Brooklyn Avengers: Part Two"

I am pretty certain I have mentioned that I am happy the one shot minis are over in the Spider-Man world. I am not saying that have been terrible, they haven't...They are just short stories that you can easily write off as a reader. Matter of fact..I felt like this one was very Scooby Doish and I am really over that old formula...
Anyhow, this issue picks up after last week's issue where someone is killing off the Brooklyn Avengers; a group of "superheros" that Spidey doesn't really enjoy being associated with and actually writes them off very quickly after the events of this comic. This group, with the help of Spidey, spends the issue hunting down the villain that killed PSI at the end of last week's book. 

Of course they quickly find who the person is, unmasks them to an unsurprising discovery which, for some reason, the only person who didn't figure it out ahead of time was Spidey (I would assume this includes the did me).

I did chuckle a few times and I enjoyed the really bright art of the book but I didn't think it was spectacular. If you are a giant Spider-Man fan, you wont be mad at the comic but don't expect to have you socks knocked off. It is meant to be a fun side story and for the most part it does the job. I give this a 6/10....not great but something to read.

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